Our Home on Wheels!

So thought I would share my thoughts on living on wheels full time tonight! We originally had planned on having plenty of time to finish our barn and then we would concentrate on selling our house. Well, things didn’t work out as planned and we weren’t as far along as we thought we would be when we got an offer so the decision had to be made to rent or live on wheels. After analyzing everything with all of our animals and how that would work in a rental we ultimately decided camper life was our choice.....not the best decision we have ever made!

Now some of us love living on wheels. Kale and Dave think this is great! They aren’t as bothered by not having everything just so like Ava and I are. Kale loves the outdoor space almost as much as Siloh does. The outdoor oasis is my only saving grace. I love sitting down in the woods under my lights. We’ve had a couple parties down there and the space is perfect....all except for the walk back to the camper bathroom. My friend Jennie is right...we need an outhouse!

While we were packing up from our 4000 sf house we made plans on how we were going to fit in our tiny home. I know everyone watches the shows and it looks oh so cool and adventurous all up until you are actually doing it!! This is how we are making things work.....we removed the camper couch and put it in storage. I kept the camper table but brought our sitting room chairs so it would feel a little bit like home. We sit in that corner every night. Up until two weeks ago all we had was a cell phone watching tv off of a WiFi hotspot, but now we actually have WiFi setup in our outdoor kitchen. We watch Hulu and Netflix through our PlayStation. It seems to work for now! We actually have a line running from the telephone box across the road by the donkeys across the yard to our barn and then to our camper. It’s all temporary until they run the permanent box and line.

Food and storage was our other big consideration. We have a full size fridge and a very large pantry so we actually don’t lack for too much food space. We only have the necessities when it comes to pots and pans though and my once having 2 dishwashers is now down to a camper size kitchen sink. We eat off of paper plates and plastic utensils so not too many things need to actually be washed. I do miss my full size oven and counter space. I can’t wait to make my cookies again.

Clothing was an even bigger issue. Just Sunday I went shopping for dress pants because it was easier than finding them in storage. I have mostly summer tops and jeans for work here now, but will soon go to my parents to switch clothes out. We have a large closet and drawers in our bedroom and we even put our actual queen size mattress in our bedroom. Other than almost hitting our heads when we get up every morning it works out pretty good. The kids will need to get their fall clothes out soon too. They all have plastic storage units with drawers and that’s all they have. We hang our shoes on the back of the pantry door. All book bags go on hooks by the door and homework has its place in the metal racks on the wall.

The bathroom....oh how I miss a full size shower and a normal toilet that doesn’t flush with a foot lever. I do however love my laundry arrangement. My parents get my laundry at least twice a week and we swap dirty clothes for clean clothes.

Our system is working for the most part. Yes it does get hectic when everyone is getting ready at the same time to go somewhere. Living in a tiny space though makes you really think about what you need to live. I miss all my crafty things, but they are all in storage so in good time I will have my crafting space back again.

As far as the grand plan.....we should be under roof within the next couple of weeks and we will then pull our camper into the barn. It is setup with the sewer, electric and water to service the camper. I’ve learned to have a lot more patience living in the camper, but can’t wait to have this all as just a story to tell. I think the best line thus far was when I got up one morning and Dave said to me for the first time in our 19 years together....do you have to pee? I said yes why.....the shitter is full dear! He couldn’t wait to use that line on someone!



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