Coffee Bar Decor
I purchased this truck back in the fall and it came from Kirklands with a fall arrangement in it that was lit with battery operated lights. I LOVE this truck. It is the perfect size and since the arrangement was just in foam I was able to remove it easily. I already have my eye on some buffalo check eggs at Hobby Lobby for spring. I have a couple hot pads that I store in the back of the truck. They were purchased at County Market, a local grocery store. They are very stiff though so I usually only use them to set my hot pans on, not to take items out of the oven. I might eventually hang them above my stove after we get the vent hood up.
These houses were a great find at Target. I used these in our camper and they have a little battery operated tea light in them. The truck and windmill are from the Christmas section at Target. I ordered these online and LOVE them. The silos are a special ornament from Magnolia that I ordered in November before our trip there last fall.
The runner is something I had in storage and I wanted something there so the surface wasn't completely black. I'm not crazy about having the Keurig out, but we do use it daily. Typically it resides in the pantry, but thought I would give this a whirl for a while. I wish the plug was lower and I might like it better. The bowl on the bottom for our coffee pods seems perfect until my dog decided that she liked to chew on them on my rug none the less. Oh she was in sooo much trouble. I have kept them there and so far she hasn't touched them since this past weekend.
So I have a lot of people that wonder how I put all of this together. I do as some would say have a knack for decorating, but I think you can too. I'm going to start to share some of my decorating strategies on my blog for those that are interested. I'm sure it is like anything else though. We all have a different thought process on how to decorate. I like to define my space like the above coffee bar area and then work from there. I knew I wanted to display my truck somewhere as a focal point and I had just set it there and liked how it looked. I see it all the time being in the kitchen and I love how I can decorate it for the seasons. So one of my big suggestions is find pieces you love and decorate around them. My two pieces were my mug rack and the truck.
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