The Barn Bathroom - It's coming together!
Our bathroom in The Barn was one of the first things finished when we were still living in the camper. That was a glorious day to finally be able to take a shower in normal size shower with room to move my arms above my head, raise my legs above knee bent position to shave and not be able to touch all of the shower walls from one location in the shower! It's funny the things that are so trivial become so important when you don't have them. Well that was the bathroom for me. I think as long as I lived in the camper I just kept taking it one day at a time and one more day making it through I was one more day closer to moving into The Barn. It's definitely been a learning experience for all of us. I'm so very thankful to be to the decorating stage of the game even though we still have other finishes to go!
So for starters in the bathroom, I purchased this metal shelf from a local decor shop in Carthage, IL. My mom actually spotted it for me and got it. It's been sitting on the bathroom floor along with the ladder awaiting its destination. I finally decided to put the shelf above the toilet. I found the perfect towel to display there as well at a local Ben Franklin in Monroe City, MO. I went to the storage unit (1 of 3 that we currently have) and grabbed several of my decor boxes and got them unloaded in the kitchen. This way I can see everything that I have to work with. Granted I still have several more things in storage, but this gave me a good start.

I went and grabbed a favorite sign of mine....two actually and placed them on the shelf. I LOVE the song Amazing Grace as it was played at my son's funeral and is one of my very favorite songs. It makes me think of him and I spend at least a half hour getting ready every morning so why not have a sign that reminds me of my Ethan. The sparkly bird I had and thought is looked good against my basket. The black house was from my decor items I bought for the camper. I'm really into metal houses now and this one was just the right height and added some black onto my display. The silos on the back of the toilet came from a shop in Texas. I’m not sure they will stay there. I’m going to keep my eyes open for maybe a basket full of cotton or something else that might be a smaller item.
This corner of the vanity has a truck that I love! If you can’t tell I have an obsession for metal trucks. This one is perfect to store all of my leather earrings that I have and I have a lot.....maybe a slight problem!!! The wash board is from my aunt and uncle’s barn. It’s so cool. I’m thinking though once I get my laundry area finished it might go in there. Then I found Ethan’s picture and just thought I needed that there to see of a morning. Wasn’t he so cute!!!
My shower curtain was ordered from Walmart online. I think it is perfect for this space! So I still have the other wall to go, but I’m loving what I see so far.
This is my daughter holding up a clock that I purchased and haven’t figured out the exact placement for yet. She’s helping me figure out if I like it on the wall or not. I’m still not decided so it goes back to the “stash”.
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